Butterfly Conservation
saving butterflies, moths and our environment
Butterfly Conservation - saving butterflies, moths and our environment

Send in your 2017 Ashdown Forest Silver-studded Blue sightings

Please add a sighting from single locations. If you saw Silver-studded Blues in multiple locations, please send in multiple sightings.

There is some information about the names of the grazing areas on Ashdown Forest here. (Opens in new tab or windwow)

* indicates required fields

Your sightings report*

Your sightings location
Drag the icon on the map to where you saw the Silver-studded Blue.


Optional sighting pictures
We are delighted to receive any sighting reports with or without pictures.
Pictures can be up to 6mb in size. Large pictures take a while to upload.

There is no need to put your name after the caption as this will be added automatically.

Picture 1 

Picture 2 

Picture 3  

Picture 4 

Picture 5 

Picture 6 

Contact Steve Wheatley ,Butterfly Conservation Senior Regional Officer - South East England