Butterfly Conservation
saving butterflies, moths and our environment
Butterfly Conservation - saving butterflies, moths and our environment

Events and Field Trips for 2024

We hope these events will encourage many of you to join the volunteer leader and other lovers of Lepidoptera in experiencing the delights and range of Butterflies and Moths that we are blessed with here in Sussex. There will be more Events appearing as trip leaders are able to confirm dates.

Some Events will be designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the lives of our Butterflies and Moths and will be of great benefit to those who wish to learn more about the subject. Other Events will be aimed at specific targets for those who want to see some of the rarer or harder to find species.

Upcoming Events

Monday, 29th July - ? to ? - Ashdown Forest Heath Week IN 2 DAYS
Run by the Conservators of Ashdown Forest this is an event to promote the area, its history and wildlife from Monday, 29th July to Sunday 4th August. ...
Click here to find out more ...

More to follow soon

Please note that in most cases there will be a limit on numbers and so registration will be required. Your interest needs to be notified to the planned leader, if that is indicated in the Event description, or to me, Roy Broad, at events@sussex-butterflies.org.uk and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

If you are then unable to attend that particular field trip it would be very much appreciated if you could inform the leader or myself so we can re-allocate your place to the next on the Standby list. You will also notice that some events have an assigned back up date in case of bad weather so again let us know if you would be able to attend that if it is necessary to do so.

Do remember that if you attend an Event you need to be prepared for the terrain your are expecting to cross and the weather on the day. So consider requirements for stout walking boots, rain protection, drinking water and, hopefully, sun protection.

Most of our events are free and open to all, although there is a suggested donation of £2 to help us with our work if you are not a member of Butterfly Conservation.

Please check the details carefully as some events are exclusively for Members and many do require pre-booking.

We look forward to seeing you in the coming months.

Transport: If you need or can offer a lift to any of our events please email the field trip organiser who will attempt to put you in touch with each other to reduce our carbon footprint! Public transport may be available to some events - try www.traveline.info for information.

Future field trips: If you have any ideas for future trips or would like to lead one to your favourite site then contact us at events@sussex-butterflies.org.uk we would love to hear from you!

Copyright Butterfly Conservation © 2024 Sussex Branch
Privacy and Copyright Statement

Butterfly Conservation Company limited by guarantee, registered in England (2206468) Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP

Charity registered in England & Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268)