
We want your Brimstones

Brimstone records for 2010, 2011 and 2012

Brimstone, photo: Neil HulmeOur map for Brimstones is building slowly and we’d like to target this species in the final two years of our atlas study, 2013 and 2014.

Brimstones hibernate as adults throughout the winter and will be hiding under the ivy and holly. Despite sitting out the rains and snows of the British winter they emerge in the spring looking resplendent – I’ve never seen a tatty one. These Brimstones must be made of tough stuff.

Typically Brimstones start to emerge on the warmer days of early March. In 2013 we had to wait until the middle of April for the first big Brimstone emergence of the year. The yellow males are seen first. These butterflies are wanderers and can be seen roaming sunny woodland rides or hedgerows throughout the countryside. I’m sure many people will also be graced by a visit in their own garden.

These big yellow butterflies are easy to identify – you can spot them as you drive along the country lanes of Sussex.

If you do see a brimstone please note the date and location and either send the records into the sightings page or email me direct

This map shows our current data from 2010,2011 & 2012. As you can see the butterfly has a wide distribution across the county. There are plenty of gaps still on our map so please take the time to note your sightings and send them in.