Highlights of the Butterfly Atlas Project: Year Two

  • Hundreds of people continued to send in their butterfly data during 2011. Data arrived from a variety of sources - whether it was from our dedicated butterfly recorders, transect walkers, Wider Countryside surveyers or just from casual recorders who sent in their records from their garden or posted on the Sussex BC website.
  • This year our records were also boosted from the M & S Big Butterfly Count – a nationwide survey inspired by the original Big Butterfly Count held in Brighton.
  • By the end of 2011 our databases were bulging with 78,000 records from the first two years of the survey. Many of our species maps are really filling up - but we need still more records to fill in the gaps for other species.
  • The highlight of 2010 and 2011 must be the targeted atlas work we undertook over the winter to survey for Brown Hairstreak eggs. The results showed that this elusive butterfly is much more widespread than we thought. Look at the Brown Hairtreak section of the Atlas webpages to find out more.