Butterfly Conservation
saving butterflies, moths and our environment
Butterfly Conservation - saving butterflies, moths and our environment

Ashdown Forest Heath Week

Where and why: Run by the Conservators of Ashdown Forest this is an event to promote the area, its history and wildlife from Monday, 29th July to Sunday 4th August. Sussex Butterfly Conservation will be taking part on Monday the 29th of July.

The event organisers will be listing daily events on their website which may need to be booked but no charges apply. Each day has a different theme to it.

We hope we may see some of you on the Monday but please do go along on any day to be educated about the diversity and history of this beautiful area of East Sussex.

More info is available at here or on Facebook here.

On: Monday 29th July 2024 at ? to ?

Target Species:


Meeting Place:

Grid Reference:


Other Info:

Event ID: 135

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Butterfly Conservation Company limited by guarantee, registered in England (2206468) Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP

Charity registered in England & Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268)