Butterfly Conservation
saving butterflies, moths and our environment
Butterfly Conservation - saving butterflies, moths and our environment

We need your help

If you would like to volunteer or have a skill which you think might be usefull to Butterfly Conservation Sussex branch please contact volunteer@sussex-butterflies.org.uk

Dingy Skipper

Reserve before clearance

Clearance in progress

Purple Emperor at Warnham

Grizzled Skipper

Work Party at the Warnham Butterfly Reserve

Since it was established in 2010, 34 species of butterfly have been recorded at Warnham Butterfly Reserve. However, this 20 acre site on the edge of Warnham Village is rapidly scrubbing over and important grassland habitat is turning into woodland! Work has been taking place this autumn to restore some large areas of good quality habitat for Grizzled and Dingy Skippers, and the other grassland species that are found here. The recent arrival of Purple Emperors on this site has added even more interest but it does mean we must ensure that blocks of regenerating sallow are retained among the newly created clearings and open meadow areas.

Conservation work parties

Volunteers are welcome to come along for as much or as little of this time as suits you. Work is with hand tools only, which can be provided, but we recommend you wear stout boots, work gloves and safety glasses. Please bring your own bow saw or loppers if you have them. There is a rumour that cake will be provided but bring your own thermos of tea or coffee if you want a hot drink. The date of conservation work parties may be changed at short notice if the weather is wet, so if you are travelling any distance and it is raining please check beforehand.


For more infromation email David Bridges at butterfly0@btinternet.com or phone 078 408 71755.

Directions and parking.

There is on-road parking at the entrance to the site at the top of Tilletts Lane (Grid Ref: TQ154340; nearest postcode RH12 3RD) but it would be helpful if you could let David know beforehand if you intend to come along so that we can ensure enough parking is available.

Copyright Butterfly Conservation © 2024 Sussex Branch
Privacy and Copyright Statement

Butterfly Conservation Company limited by guarantee, registered in England (2206468) Registered Office: Manor Yard, East Lulworth, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP

Charity registered in England & Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268)